Monday, March 7, 2011

Megan is getting lighter

I took Shelby to the vet on Friday for her lepto booster and heartworm test. Megan came along for company. I put her on the scale and she was down 1.2 kilos in a month. I sure wish I could lose weight like that. In other news, Megan's behavior on walks seems to be improving. I don't know if she was feeling crabby or what. She is going to the groomer tomorrow. Maybe that will help her feel better. It just occurred to me that Shelby doesn't really care about petting. She loves to cuddle and sit on laps, but she doesn't really seem to enjoy petting that much. Strange. Also, she has discovered she can jump up on our bed by herself so now it's up and down, up and down constantly. Dulcinea the cat isn't too happy about this development!! I finally had to throw out my favorite armchair because Shelby had torn it to shreds.

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